Clc genomics workbench blast at ncbi not working
Clc genomics workbench blast at ncbi not working

clc genomics workbench blast at ncbi not working

The ZAR1L record contains a genomic sequence (a DNA sequence instead of a mRNA sequence). But the record is returned by your search since it mentions the word BRCA2 (and Homo sapiens). In the FEATURES section of the record (in green) you see that the record contains only part of the BRCA2 sequence ! That's normal since this record is meant to hold the sequence of gene ZAR1L, the gene neighbouring BRCA2 on chromosome 13. Homo sapiens zygote arrest 1-like (ZAR1L), RefSeqGene on chromosome 13 Go to page 14 of the results, to number 276 and click the link:

  • it contains the expression Homo sapiens.
  • Because the record fullfils all the search criteria that were specified it is returned by the search: In the note of the CDS feature it is stated that this gene is similar to Homo sapiens breast cancer susceptibility gene BRCA2. When you look for Homo sapiens in this record using the Find function in your browser, you see that the record contains the expression Homo sapiens in the FEATURES section. The sequence is indeed a BRCA2 sequence, however not from human but from mouse. mark the content of the different sections. Keywords like LOCUS, DEFINITION, ACCESSION. Genbank format divides the record into sections or fields with the sequence at the bottom of the record. The record is formatted by default in GenBank format. Click the link: Mus musculus BRCA2 (Brca2) mRNA, complete cds to open

    clc genomics workbench blast at ncbi not working

    But not all of them contain the BRCA2 sequence.įor instance, the 18th and 19th contain the sequence of chromosomes of red deer. This search generates more than 1000 records that all contain the words Homo sapiens and BRCA2. The search results page shows by default chunks of 20 records, that fullfil your search criteria, with a summary of each record.

    clc genomics workbench blast at ncbi not working

    Select Nucleotide in the database select box, type human BRCA2 in the search text box and click Search Search for the human BRCA2 mRNA sequence. 1.7 Exercise 7: genomic scaffold for Drosophila.1.6 Exercise 6: Genbank searches on CLC Bio Main workbench (VIB only).1.5.2 Retrieve sequences from Genbank based on gene and organism name.1.5.1 Retrieve sequences from Genbank based on accession numbers.1.5 Exercise 5: Using Ugene to download records from Genbank.1.4 Exercise 4: obtaining the most recent submissions.1.2.2 Limit the number of search results.1.1.3 Limit the number of search results.1.1.2 Translation of your search into a query to the database.

    Clc genomics workbench blast at ncbi not working