Sound siphon in obs
Sound siphon in obs

We have provided some links below which explain your different streaming options with OBS and how to set that up. Then click on the video tab and set the Base (Canvas Size) resolution to whatever your ProPresenter Output is. If you are seeing everything sized incorrectly, go to the OBS menu option and click Preferences. If that is on the top, it should appear correctly in your window! For our purposes, “NDI Source” should be at the top. The one that is the top of the list is the one that will show “on top” which is why you aren’t seeing both at this time in the output window. Once you have done both of these steps, you should see both sources showing in the sources window of the main window of OBS. When adding this, make sure the appropriate mode is selected (like 1080p60, etc) and click Ok. Unfortunately, this is the step we can help with the least as it will be different based on what your device is.

sound siphon in obs

This could be a Blackmagic Device, Video Capture Device, etc. Now, click the + again and select your video input source. Without talking, without typing, just watch that green bar’s natural bounce for about 10 seconds. Observe the volume meter of your Audio Input Capture. Return to OBS’s main window and take a look at your Mixer window. Then the main window will pop back up and you will see your ProPresenter output showing on the main window! (if it is the wrong size, no worries, we will fix that in a few steps). In the Filters window, use the eye icon next to Noise Gate to temporarily disable the filter. In this window, click on the Source Name and locate your ProPresenter 7 connection (likely your computer name) and click Ok. Once you click that, the window will look like this: For our purposes, let’s first select NDI Source. When you open OBS, the first thing you want to do is to click the + icon under sources to add your source(s). Once you have done that, you will open the Edit Looks window from the Screens Menu and on the “Stream Lyrics” screen, we are going to select the slide option and apply an alternate, lower third theme that you have created in your theme editor. Then, click on the Alpha Key tab and check the box for Enable. Next, in Zoom you can select OBS Camera > as your webcam in Zoom. This button is in the right hand corner by default right below start recording and streaming. You can bring your webcam into OBS and then output into Zoom using the Virtual Webcam option. So in ProPresenter, open your screen configuration window from the Screens Menu and add a new NDI Screen, in this example, we have named it “Stream Lyrics”.

  • So, the easiest way to get started is to start with video.
  • The first thing you want to set up is the output that ProPresenter is going to send into OBS. Once you have downloaded and installed both of these things, you can continue to the next steps. Then, head to and under the Assets section download the " macOS.pkg" file for macOS or the " Windows-Installer.exe" file for Windows. You would go to and click on your OS to download the software.

    sound siphon in obs

    You will need to download two separate things for OBS to work appropriately on your computer. But, the steps we are providing in this article do provide a simple way to send lyrics from ProPresenter 7 to a program called OBS and overlay them on top of a video source. Live streaming does not have a one size fits all solution.

    Sound siphon in obs