Never forgetti freddy spaghetti
Never forgetti freddy spaghetti

They explained that after about four months, he began acting strange. I don't remember his name, but the neighbors said that his mother had bought the house for him to live in with his girlfriend. We had finally gotten everything all unpacked, and were actually feeling at home when we found out about the man who lived there before us.

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She explains that she will be watching, as she turns off the camera. She then wishes the viewer good luck, as the background she was standing in front of folding into her, like wings. She explains that once you are part of the group, you can never leave. They injected her with something that made her pass out, and when she woke she had the same abilities as all of the others. That night she stayed awake and was grabbed through her window by the boy from the video. They had bright red eyes and could move faster than a normal human. When she went to school the next day, the people from the night before were everywhere. After waking her parents in a scream, they explained that they didn't see anything. As she ran to her parents room, she could see them getting angry.

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They were pale and had cold eyes but grinning faces. She awoke then in the middle of the night, to people outside of her window. When he explained at the end of the video that they were coming for her, she simply knew he was correct. The way he spoke was with such conviction that she didn't doubt a single word of what he said.

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She tells how she didn't listen or think anything of what the cute boy on the screen was saying, just that she was entranced. After the viewer obviously doesn't stop watching, she explains how she got to where she is. She talks about how she watched a video, exactly like the viewer is currently watching, and that now is the only chance to leave and stop the video. She explains to the "viewer" that she was trapped "in a living hell" for most of her life, but that this specific story started only three days ago. The story starts off with a teenage girl standing in front of a camera. Now that that's out of the way, let's continue. Summary : Before I actually start explaining what happened, I want to point out that at the very top of the article it says " Transcript taken from a video found under the link: SCARIEST “STORY” EVER".

Never forgetti freddy spaghetti